Monday, October 27, 2008

Iodine: The fountain of Health, Energy and Weight Loss

Iodine is a wonder mineral that is often overlooked, but can aid increase your energy levels, give you shiny, strong hair and even help you lose weight.

Several recent studies show that a shortage of iodine can lead to poor function of metabolism and immunity. It also promotes free radical damage and hinders brain development. But many people are iodine deficient because they are eating less salt and more organic foods (which have low iodine levels).

Symptoms of iodine deficiency include depression, weight gain, weak heartbeat, extreme dry hair and skin, swelling of the legs, decreased ability to concentrate, muscle cramps, puffiness or swelling of the eyes, and chronic aches and pains.

If you think you need more iodine in your diet, you can fight it in asparagus, garlic, lima beans, mushrooms, sesame seed, chard and summer squash

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